I’m not sure if any of my followers or readers follow me for personal stuff, but it’s occurred to me that I haven’t done so in a while, so just in case… here you go!
Firstly, I would like to thank all my friends and followers for offering me support through these past few difficult years. I don’t think I need to sum up (again) what’s been going on, but suffice to say that it’s been a lot of pretty serious stuff. Fortunately, things finally seem to be on the upswing. For starters, I moved back to my hometown in Montana. Washington just wasn’t working out for me very well, and while it had some gorgeous scenery and I loved my drive to work, I just wasn’t happy. Moving back home has done wonders for my overall mood and really cemented the fact that, given the choice, I never want to leave again.
I’ve snagged myself a new job which, while it isn’t exactly what I wanted, is (barely) paying the bills for the first time in a couple of years, and I’m willing to stick this one out until I find a better one (or until we go out of business, whichever comes first, I guess.)
Also, I’ve finally gone to see help for my anxiety, and between some medication and some therapy, I think I’m doing a lot better. It’s still a daily struggle, though, but hopefully it’s an upward one. (If any of you guys out there are interested in that whole thing, lemme know, I’m willing to blog more about it in specific.)

Lastly, there is the boyfriend situation! My dear Mister Adequate: my coblogger over at The Android’s Closet, my comrade in arms, my partner in crime, my best friend for the last seven years. We finally realized we had a thing for each other earlier this year, and to everyone’s cries of “WELL IT’S ABOUT TIME”, we got together in April. Happily Ever After, right? Well, not quite yet. See, there’s a little wrench here. I’m in Montana in the United States. And he’s in England. Yeah.
Other people have made cross-country relationships work, though, and we are determined to follow in their footsteps. We’re both saving up money for visits and hope to sort that out very soon, and the long-term plan is for him to move over here, something which he has wanted to do for quite some time (since long before he met me.) There will be a lot of red tape involved and this might take a good few years, but we both feel optimistic about it. We’re happy together, and that’s worth all the work. /schmaltz
So that’s sort of where I’m at. I’m still writing, and I love and appreciate all the feedback on my first book. If you liked it, please leave reviews and ratings on Amazon and GoodReads! That would mean the world to me. <3 Okay, that's about it. And now back to my other blog for video game posts for the next six months!
O – And here I was thinking that Mr Adequate lived next door. Silly me 🙂
Well good luck to the both of you, and have a Happy and safe new year.
My New Years resolution: Read your book!
Your New Years resolution: Read “The Church Mouse” series by Graham Oakley. Sure its for kids, but i suspect you will love it all the same. 😉 Maybe ask Mr Adequate if he has.
And I thought the two of you lived together, lol. Well, here is a tip from a friend who had a long distance relationship for a year:
If you want to watch a show or movie together, then load up skype and press play at the same time. While you’re not in the same place you can comment and hear each other laugh at the same jokes etc. Worked wonders for him until they were reunited.
Keep up the good work and the spirit. Don’t worry, be happy! 🙂
It’s good to read a post from you again. I had been following your hunter blogs since you started your blog, but I quit wow about 10 months ago. Today, the 12th of January, I decided to check up on ya.
I’m very sorry to hear about your anxiety. I myself struggle with it every single day. There is no one way of dealing with it, but I do find a few thing that I would think help:
Exercise even if you’re tired. Seriously. It helps. I know you probably have heard this. But it DOES help.
Load up on fruits and veggies. Again, I’m sure you’ve heard it. It helps.
Cut down on coffee. I still have a cup a day. But I used to have more than 3 or 4.
These are things that I truly believe would help ANYONE. As for me personally:
I can relate to your issues with dating someone from a different country. I’m Canadian and I my my current wife while playing checkers online. She lived in Houston, Texas. That was 10 years ago and I now live in Houston and we’re now married. I absolutely adore her and it is just a wonderful scenario. Granted she didn’t live across the sea like your man does, but it IS possible. So keep up hope!
She helps a great deal with my anxiety by figuratively slapping me out of it. She’s a tough lass, and I love it.
Faith helps me a great deal. I understand that I do not know if you are a believer in any faith, but it has helped me. Truly feeling like after death there is a cold cloud of nothing would be pretty rough for me to take.
I hope some of this helps. Good luck to ya and keep us posted!
Yo! Pike! I’m glad to hear you are okay. I miss your blog posts about Wow. I try to do my best keeping up with tradition at drunkendwarf.net, which ended up being more about finding rares and covering hunter gear lists than anything else. I hope you have a happy new year. I plan on purchasing your book sooner or later. The prologue was good. Keep writing it up.