I’m not joking. I’m not exaggerating. The new My Little Pony show is simply sublime.
Let me explain.
Once upon a time, there was a girl named Lauren Faust. She grew up giving all of her My Little Pony and Strawberry Shortcake toys different personalities and making them go out and save the world in her imagination.
When she grew up, she started working on cartoons. You may have heard of some of these: Powerpuff Girls and Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends.
Now she has her own show. It’s called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Okay, has that kept you here instead of scared you off? Good. Allow me to continue.
On its surface, I can see why the gentle reader might be somewhat skeptical. It’s called “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.” Seriously. The ponies are all pink or purple and have names like “Twilight Sparkle” and they have discussions about pretty frilly dresses. Okay. Yes. I know.
The aforementioned pony named Twilight Sparkle is a supernerd who puts reading and learning on a high pedestal and runs scientific experiments any time she comes across some sort of problem or unexplainable phenomenon.
The aforementioned pink pony, named Pinkie Pie, is utterly insane.
And the aforementioned pony who likes dresses, Rarity, is a haute boutique fashion designer who does things like lament about her career and slowly lose her mind when she attempts to balance the desires of her clients with her own artistic sensibilities. (And which of us, my fellow creative friends, has not been there?)
The characters are all female and cutesy and have big eyelashes. And have personalities. And have actual problems. And work those problems out. And grow.
And I can see a little bit of myself in each of the ponies. I’m a huge science nerd like Twilight Sparkle. But I’m also a giant ditzy derp like Pinkie Pie. And I’m also shy and quiet like Fluttershy. And I’m also a tomboy like Rainbow Dash. And I’m also an obsessive artist like Rarity. And I also don’t give a crap about my looks, like Applejack.
Now maybe it’s just me, but I have never seen a “little girls’ show” that was so very… human. Erm. Pony.
I’m writing this post because I want everyone to know about PONIES and how great it is. Have I finally snapped and lost my mind? Maybe. But it’s okay, because this morning when I was watching the show on YouTube I laughed so hard at one point that I had to pause for like five minutes before I could actually stop laughing and begin watching the show again.
And I don’t care WHAT the show is about, if it makes me do that, I’m a fan.
TL;DR: Ponies are awesome and everyone should watch them, regardless of age or gender. PROTIP: Watch at least three or four episodes before passing judgment.
This post could have been, like, 20% cooler. Just sayin’.
Seriously though, all you said is true. I also recognize myself in many of the ponies, and the episode where Rarity is thorned when her friends want something else in their dress. I HAVE BEEN THERE. SO. MUCH.
What fascinates me is that my boyfriend LOVES the show, and he is not the only one judging by people on the net. Heck, I think the show is more popular with adults than with kids sometimes.
So yeah. *takes a deep breath* yaaaaaaaaaaaay……..
There needs to be more stuff like this telling adults [well, older children =P] which kids’ shows are worth watching.
I’d only heard of this show in passing before and though I like the art style had dismissed it as being just another kids cartoon. As far as recommendations go, you only have to mention Powerpuff Girls and I’m there.
If the blue pony was named Booth, and the Purple pony was named Dr. Brennan, you’d have the perfect cartoon illustration of US Television’s series “Bones” 😛
Ooh… I love the interview with the creator. I’d never thought about how much of an influence television shows can have on your childhood and upbringing. Love her vision for strong (and very varied) female characters.