A conversion of Doom starring anthropormorphic pieces of cereal.

It came in boxes of cereal.
That is all.
And you just nostalgia’d.
A conversion of Doom starring anthropormorphic pieces of cereal.
It came in boxes of cereal.
That is all.
And you just nostalgia’d.
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That screen is titled “Zorching a Flemoid” on Wikipedia.
I don’t want to know. I’ll go hide in my corner now.
Never played that one, but thinking of spoof games just reminded me about Pong Kombat. Finish Him! (or her, case depending!)
Actually, judging from that shot, it’s a port of Wolfenstein 3d, DOOM’s predecessor. The more you know!
I remember getting that from a box of Chex, and then downloading the sequel (Yes, it was so good they made another one!)
It was very entertaining, and I believe you can find an open-source version of it floating around out there on the web.
One of the best games ever!
Those green guys are the Flemoids! And didn’t they make like 4 diff. ones? I gotta check for these disks.