Dear Book,
It’s really weird to think how far we’ve come. How you started as a seed of an idea during middle school roleplaying sessions, went through this crazy metamorphosis last year, and turned into something even I wasn’t expecting. You are sort of what I wanted you to be and sort of not really what I wanted you to be, because at some point you took on a life of your own.
Of course, like any proud parent, I now tote hypothetical photographs of you around in my virtual wallet. Livejournal, Twitter, and the Brass Goggles Forums are, I’m sure, sick of hearing my constant allusions to you. I can’t help it though, really, when you’re always there in the back of my mind, poking me and reminding me that you’re still alive. (And believe me, you are still alive).
Re-reading you over and over and over again is always a bit of an adventure, and sometimes I’m struck by how little of you has changed since I dumped words onto a page for NaNoWriMo– when I mixed up two parts alphabet soup and one part primordial ooze in a blender and then poured it all over Open Office in the hopes that it would somehow sort itself out into something at least halfway interesting– and ya know, you didn’t do too badly when it came to sorting yourself out.
The definition of “What You Are” is rather less straightforward, though, and I’ll confess that the answer isn’t always a positive one. In fact, it usually isn’t. Occasionally I’ll think that you’re not too shabby, but then I read you again and I wonder: who wants to read a mess that came out of the blender of my brain? You are a pile of problems, that’s what you are. Problems that no one would ever want to read.
Of course, then you laugh at me and inform me that All Problems Can Be Solved, and go back to sitting quietly in the back of my head, waiting for me to actually start working on you again.

So, Book, we match wits again. You don’t make this easy, but as you like to remind me, you don’t learn anything from a problem that is too easy to solve.
Besides, anything involving airships can’t be all that bad. Right?
you think neopets is bad? DO NOT go to… um, they have clockwork pets there amongst others ::grin::
“…poking me and reminding me that you’re still alive. (And believe me, you are still alive).”
I’m in your head and I’m still alive?…
I’m being rewritten and I’m still alive…..
For the good of all of (the characters).
Except the ones who are dead…….
also, can an infintisimal piece of the graph be generating flow charts of what pike is doing…….. recursion FTW
Dear Pike,
Get back to work!
Seriously, I’m a wonderful masterpiece who is just waiting for you to finish me up and find me a publisher. I’ll be a hit, you know it, I know, the people that read my drafts know it.
All that time you’re checking forums and LJ and then twittering about ‘getting some seriouus writing done’ or ‘wanting to resub to WoW’ are precious moments you could be using on me!
So seriously, old girl, buck up, press on and get to work!
Your book.
(okay, that was meant as a ya Pike, Lou G.)
It’s interesting how the most rewarding things are things that seem really really hard work. Even when they’re things you love…
Anything with airships in it can NOT, in fact, be all bad.